Photo by Jonas Jacobsson on Unsplash

What if the key to life is just not being stupid?

Ken Kaus


Or Maybe It’s Just be kind.

We sure could use the key to life right about now because the world is in a state that I have never seen in my lifetime.

Kindness is something we all appreciate. It’s normally something that is displayed the brightest during the holiday season from the end of November until the new year.

In 2020, however, we can use an extra dose of kindness to pass around. The pandemic is not a joke. Look around. People are sick, people are overworked, people are getting laid off. Families can’t pay their bills and people are dying.

In some way, shape, or form, people are suffering. Everyone is affected. That’s why it’s so important to show some kindness right now. Show some courtesy. Show some common sense.

Acts of kindness come in all shapes and sizes and the best part, they don’t need to take up much of your time. Holding a door for someone, takes maybe 10 seconds. A genuine thank you 3 seconds.

There are literally hundreds of ways you can perform acts of kindness. Donate food or clothing. Let someone merge in traffic. Stop yourself from insulting someone’s opinion on social media.

Here are some more acts of kindness:

  1. Make breakfast for your spouse.
  2. Tell retail workers thank you and stay healthy.
  3. Write someone a letter.
  4. Help your neighbor rake their leaves.
  5. Tell someone you value their insight.
  6. Acknowledge someone’s talents.
  7. Stand on the corner holding a sign.
  8. Feed a stray cat or dog or hamster.
  9. Play with your kids(if you have them).
  10. Buy someone a coffee.
This is me holding a sign on the street wishing people a good day.
Me holding a sign on the street wishing people a good day.

Look at the list. How do you feel when someone does any of those things for you? My guess is you feel pretty good. Why wouldn’t you wish that feeling on others? If you say, well they were a jerk to me, so I’m just going to be a jerk back at them, think about this.

I was on a subway once in the early morning and car was nice a quiet, just a hand full of people dozing. We came to a stop and a father got on with 4 kids all under the age of 10. They started running around and making a ruckus. All the dozers were visibly annoyed and I had enough so I got up and said to the father, in a nice polite (maybe not) manner, “can you please control your kids?”

The man looked up at me and then around at the kids. “I guess I should. I’m sorry we’re coming from the hospital, the kid’s mother just passed away and we are all in shock.”

Well now I felt like and ass. How could I know his wife just died? (disclaimer, I borrowed this story for Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits for Highly Effective People)

When you see someone not acting in kindness, maybe they’re dealing with something you don’t know about. Maybe they just have other things on their mind. Family member is sick. They’ve been to 16 stores trying to get lysol wipes with no luck. They just put the family dog to sleep. Or sometimes, people are just jerks.

The point is, we are not mind readers and you don’t know what’s on someone else’s mind. You really don’t have a shot understanding what the other person is going through. Make your go to move a kindness.

I guarantee the more kindness you put in to the world, the happier you are going to be. Remember, you get what you give. So the more kindness you share, the more you’re going to get in return. Plus if you’re kind to an actual jerk you get double kindness points.

Originally published at on November 22, 2020.



Ken Kaus

A simple man trying his best to live a happy, simple life as a husband and father.